The potential amount of muscle that you are going to build depends a lot on your genetics and the built of the fascia surrounding the muscle belly. So if you have a thick fascia, you might be more restricted and you will be less likely to build muscle mass, compared to an individual that has a thinner fascia.
The belief is that the way to expand the fascia is through a high volume of sets, as much as seven sets, and inserting as much nutrient-rich blood into the muscles to help expand the fascia, all of that with only 30 to 45 seconds of rest between sets.
The heavier movements can consist anywhere from one to three sets. Sometimes you will do two or three working sets. But those are the base exercises, the first two or three exercises before the FST-7 exercise.
The last set is all about volume. That doesn't mean you go so light that it is all about the pump; you still use a good amount of weight where you are going to be able to feel the eight to 12 or 13 reps.
You are still going to failure somewhat, but you are doing it not so light where you stop and go, 'well I could have probably done ten more reps.' You are going pretty close to failure at the 12-to-15-rep mark.